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Amoena Contact Light Prosthetic


The Amoena Contact breast form adheres directly to the body and stays in place with every movement, relieving pressure on the shoulder and providing more freedom in clothing choices. Ideal for women with active lifestyles.

Key benefits

·         Attachable; Adheres securely to the body, giving a woman a new sense of freedom and self confidence

·         InTouch Light Silicone; An improved silicone formulation, creates an ultra-soft breast form with the most natural appearance and feel possible

·         Average cup fitting, high soft transition to upper chest wall where less volume is needed

·         Symmetrical shape - can be worn on either the left or right side

·         Designed with a lower cut inside edge to accommodate surgery that conserves a small area of cleavage

·         Light breast forms are 25% lighter than standard silicone breast forms of the same shape and size

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